Download Zone 2-4 Plant List PDF

Northern US & Canada (Zones 2-4)

We know, we know, your last frost date can be as late as late May, but don’t let that keep you from getting started in your garden! Preparing the soil in beds can be done as soon as thaw has occurred and when it stops raining. Focus on plants that can take colder weather and still grow or bloom. This might mean covering them on the coldest nights, or moving plants in and out of a garage for the last few spring freezes, but getting an early start can really help when your summers are short.

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Northern US & Canada (Zones 5-6)

The last frost date for your area is generally early to late April, and it is not too early to get started on planning for your garden. We know your springs can be unpredictable, so start the year looking for the healthiest cool season flowers. Try keeping them in a sun room or garage and moving them out each day to get adapted to your outdoor conditions. An early start means a longer season of color and enjoyment, but be prepared to protect them if cooler weather sets in.

Download Zone 5-6 Plant List PDF
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