Cut Flower Garland
Get The Look With Casey Lynn Lawrence

If you follow Casey on Instagram, you know her fondness for brilliant, bountiful blooms and penchant for design. Her backyard pergola provided an ideal setting for a garden party. Along with creating a variety of stunning bouquets with her friends, Casey also put up a beautiful vining garland and decorated it with cut flowers to create a lush living frame for her outdoor gathering.

Check out Casey’s tips for creating her show-stopping vining garland below.


Casey wanted to build a structure out of vines and branches which she could decorate with cut flowers for her outdoor gathering. Here’s how you can get the look!

If you have the ability to sustainably wild-harvest grapevine, willow or bundled young tree branches, all three are a great option. Casey used a mix of young tree branches and wild grapevine. Other options that you may have growing in your own backyard are perennial grasses, larger annual grasses (like Vertigo®) and bamboo. These work well too.

Other Things You’ll Need

• Step stool
• Clippers
• Mini vases or floral tubes
• Wire or Jute

Casey’s Tips

1. Strip off any leaves quickly. This is easiest to do immediately after harvest. It’s especially important for grapevine and willow branches.

2. If you go on a wild harvesting mission, bring a friend! They can help you by holding your ladder and wrangling vines or branches.

3. Shape your vines and branches quickly before they dry. This is especially important for grapevine and willow, which are much more flexible right after harvest.

4. Make bundles with jute or wire before attaching to your frame. This step is extra helpful if you’re using small branches or grasses.