Dr. Brent Ridge & Josh Kilmer-Purcell of Beekman Farm

Dr. Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell founded Beekman 1802 in 2008, but they actually consider themselves to be a 211-year-old company. “When we stumbled across the Beekman Farm in upstate New York, we had no plans to create a business around it. We started making goat milk soaps and gourmet cheeses in 2008 and one thing led to another…now we are proud to have over 180 employees and be recognized as one of the most successful lifestyle brands in America.”

We have teamed up with Josh and Brent to design and install a new Proven Winners Moonlight Garden at the Beekman Farm in Sharon Springs, NY. Plants that attract pollinating bees were specially selected to enhance the pollination of the foraging material fed to the Beekman sheep, with an end goal of refining the quality of their hand-crafted line of goat milk skincare products.