Supertunia Gallery
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Supertunia Petunia
For effortless color all season, plant The Best Petunia. Period. Supertunias* are exceptional performers in sunny landscapes, hanging baskets, and patio pots, filling in quickly and never getting leggy as they mature. Supertunias come in a rainbow of colors, bearing large to mini, single or double flowers that appear from summer into fall without deadheading. You won’t find a more outstanding petunia.
Supertunia* Vista Petunias are rock stars in the landscape. Their incredibly vigorous growth rate and tremendous flower power will make you look like the best gardener on your block. They can grow 2′ tall and spread or trail 4-5′ in one season.
If you plant these in a hanging basket, use a large basket hung from a sturdy support. Your basket will be massive by midseason.