Explore the details, textures and materials that create an atmosphere of bohemian luxury and effortless style.
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The Story Behind The Scenes
When we brought some of our own quirky collections into the garden of a well-traveled antique-lover in Laguna Beach, California, magic happened. Moroccan lanterns, Indian carved teak, European brasswork, exotic silks and fabrics all came together to create a richly textured tapestry.
Very few things age quite as gracefully as brass in the garden. Brass containers acquire a texture and patina when living outdoors, an Old World charm that’s hard to replicate. We chose plants that felt reminiscent of pungent spices and juicy fruits. Plants like Dahlightful® Dahlias and the new Supertunia® Honey Petunia really pop from the monochromatic tones of the brass.
Letting go of our precious trophies of travel and sending them to live outdoors and brave the elements can be difficult, but the experience of walking through a beautiful garden with hints of grandeur and carefree abandon could arguably be the definition of true luxury.