Spice up those Fall Containers

by Erin SchanenThere was a time when it seemed that all containers looked the same: a spike, geraniums and some trailing vinca vine. That was fine, but thank goodness that mold was broken, making way for the bold, beautiful and creative container designs we see today. And just as we’re no longer tied to a handful of plants for summer containers, there’s a whole world of plant options for fall containers as well. No longer are the options limited to mums and ornamental kale. There are many

By |2019-01-23T05:01:53-06:00September 7th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Leave your Garden

by Erin SchanenLeaving your garden to take a summer holiday can strike fear into the hearts of anyone who has nurtured, fussed and perhaps even talked to their plants to coax them into a great show. You won’t get any judgement from me on that front. I put as much care into finding someone to care for my plants as I do into finding a dogsitter. Established perennial gardens will handle some benign neglect while you’re gone, but container plantings are another story. If you’ve set up a drip

By |2019-01-23T05:03:56-06:00August 2nd, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

PRETTY PORCH IDEAS: Ile d’Orleans in Quebec, Canada

by Rochelle GreayerWhile traveling around the Ile d’Orleans, across the St Lawrence River from Quebec City in Canada, I had a couple of “whoa, stop the car!” moments.  The island, which is basically the breadbasket of Quebec City is filled with farm stands, pretty vistas across the river that surrounds it, wildlife, and cute quaint cottages and homes.Some of these places have charming gardens that I took lots of inspiration from.  This one was all about the porch and I think we can all agree it

By |2019-01-23T05:11:28-06:00March 16th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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