cut flower garland diy
Cut Flower Garland with Casey Lynn Lawrence

Casey Lynn Lawrence shows how to create a beautiful vining garland and decorate it with cut flowers to create a lush living frame for your next outdoor gathering.

Silica Dried Flowers

Check out how easy it is to dry and preserve flowers using silica gel crystals. Dried flowers look stunning and can be used in a wide variety of craft projects.

silica dried flowers
small trellis diy project link
Small Potted Trellis

Trellising can be quick and easy! Check out how you can train a small vining plant like Muehlenbeckia in this step-by-step DIY.

Make a Kokedama

‘Kokedama’ is a centuries-old Japanese form of bonsai. Learn how to make your own elegant kokedama planting that can be hung up with string or work as a centerpiece.

kokedama suspended by string
colocasia leaf concrete bird bath
Colocasia Leaf Bird Bath

Colocasia leaves can get huge! Learn how you can use them as molds to create a beautifully textured concrete bird bath.