Kids Projects

Butterfly Feeder

Butterflies are wonderful pollinators, and add a beautiful bit of magic to a thriving flower garden. They’re attracted to bright, fragrant flowers, and sweet aromas. A butterfly feeder is a great way to attract them and keep them hanging around. Your kids will love chasing them around the garden, and you can have a load of fun making and painting your own butterfly feeder together.


  • Bright colored paints
    Red, yellow, orange, pink, and purple do best to
    attract butterflies.
  • Paint brushes
  • Dropcloth or newspaper
  • Terra-cotta pot and saucer
    We used a 5” wide pot and a 1′ wide saucer.
  • Liquid Nails adhesive


  • Oranges
  • Grapefruits
  • Cantelope
  • Strawberries
  • Peaches
  • Nectarines
  • Kiwi
  • Apples
  • Watermelon
  • Bananas

Step-By-Step Instructions

Apply Glue
Make sure your terra-cotta surfaces are free of dirt and dust. Apply liquid nails to the base of the terra-cotta pot.

Glue the Pot and Saucer Together
Flip the pot and attach it to the center of the bottom of the saucer. Let the glue set overnight.

Time to Paint
While the butterfly feeder is still upside down, paint the pot and saucer. Paint the feeder however you and your kids like!

Finish Painting
Flip the feeder over and finish painting the top of the saucer. Have fun with different designs and patterns. You can also use stencils to add interesting ornaments.

Place the butterfly feeder in the your garden, nearby flowers if you can. Add sugar water, fruit, or both, to the saucer to attract butterflies.