Abundance At Your Fingertips
There’s nothing better than plucking a juicy, ripe strawberry right from the vine and feeling its burst of sweetness on your tongue. Imagine doing so without ever leaving the patio! This convenient planter table presents a fusion of flowers, fruits, herbs and veggies right at your fingertips, allowing you to serve healthy food right from where you grow it. And, as a custom piece of patio furniture, it makes an amazing conversation piece!
Planter Table
Check out the step-by-step DIY below to see how you can make a scaled down, easy to assemble version of the planter table for your own patio or garden party. We used two small desks found on clearance and sandwiched them together with a freestanding raised planter to grow herbs and veggies that are within reach as you dine and entertain.
- 2x Matching Tables
- 1 Planter of similar height to the tables (Don’t worry if the planter isn’t exactly the same height as plants will help to cover up the edges)
- 4x metal L Brackets
- Wire mesh
- 4x 1″ Nuts and bolts
- Power Drill
- Screwdriver
- Measuring Tape
- Pencil
- When shopping for your two tables and planter box, keep in mind that the tables and the planter should be approximately the same height. This will make assembly easier and make the final product look that much more sleek!
- When assembling, work on a level surface.
Products We Used
Our planter table was made by combining a Herstera Galvanized Steel planter available at Home Depot with two desks found at a clearance sale. These Noble House desks are very similar to the ones we used, and are also available at Home Depot.

1. Supplies and Materials
The original tables and planter you find may be slightly different from ours, but you’ll need the same basic materials and tools to assemble them together: a power drill, level, measuring tape, pencil, L-brackets, nuts and bolts.

2. Raised Planter
We found this 16″ deep x 40″ wide x 30″ high planter at Home Depot. It’s made of galvanized steel, so it’s resistant to rust and corrosion.

3. Table Assembly
Our tables required some assembly, mainly attaching the metal legs to the wooden surface.

4. Pre-Drill Bracket Holes
This step may be easier with your table flipped upside down. Place the L-brackets that will brace the tables to the planter at their desired position and mark where the screw holes will be with a pencil. There should be two brackets attached to each table. Pre-drill the marked screw holes.

5. Attach L-Brackets to the Tables
Screw the brackets in to the tables at the pre-drilled spots.

6. Drill Bolt Holes in the Planter Walls
Position your planter between the two tables so that it is centered and the L-brackets sit flush to the planter walls. Mark the positions where the brackets will be bolted to the planter. Drill out the holes in the planter. Make sure to use a drill bit with the same diameter as the bolts you’ll be using to secure tables and planter together.

7. Bolt Tables to the Planter
Now that your bolt holes are made, you’re ready to assemble everything together. Insert the bolts through the L-brackets into the planter and screw the nuts tightly onto the bolts.

8. The Assembled Planter Table
Here is what our planter table looks like with the two tables and planter assembled together.

9. Cut Wire Mesh Squares
To keep dirt from falling through the drainage holes of your planter, cut out and place wire mesh squares over the drainage holes. This will allow water drainage without soil loss.

10. Fill Planter with Soil
With the wire mesh in place, you’re ready to pour in the soil! We recommend using organic potting soil to help your herbs and veggies thrive.

12. Enjoy!
Invite over friends and family and treat them to a homegrown buffet!
Click on any image in the slideshow to learn more about the plant