Privacy With Style
Privacy. It’s a luxury desired by many but often not afforded to city dwellers whose homes or balconies abut one another with little to no green space in between. One effective solution is to add a living screen.
In the “before” photo above, there was nothing standing between the porch and the neighbor. That just wasn’t cutting it. We exchanged it for a living screen that provides privacy and brings fresh life to the porch.
Low maintenance foliage is the focus with a few white bacopa flowers sprinkled in for good measure. Note the carefully selected mix of colors and textures as well as the forethought not to use plants with blossoms that would necessitate daily sweeping of the porch. Lush vining plants provide an extra layer of screening.
Learn more about the plants we chose by clicking on the links in the slideshow below. Read on to find helpful tips, links, projects, and products that can give you a jump start on your own privacy wall planter.
Click on any image in the slideshow to learn more about the plant
Privacy Wall Planters
Three options for creating your own vertical privacy planter