About Todd Sandoval

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So far Todd Sandoval has created 30 blog entries.

Made in the Shade

by Jane Beggs-Joles  (left to right: Little Henry® Itea, Kodiak® Diervilla)Is there anything nicer on a warm summer day than a spot under a shade tree? Maybe a spot under ashade tree with a good book and a cold beverage. But welcome as it is in the heat of the summer, shadecan be a challenge for gardeners.The secret is to embrace the shady areas in your landscapes. Stop trying to wish sun loving plants intogrowing in shade; there are plenty of shade tolerant plants that will thrive in these

By |2019-01-23T05:16:53-06:00November 21st, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Garden That Heals

by Jenny Peterson I come from a family of gardeners. I’m a garden designer, and I write and speak about gardens as well. So it might seem natural that after I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, I reached for my garden to help me through it.Except, in the beginning, I didn’t. I was so shocked at how my surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation impacted me with nerve damage, lymphedema, and the mood roller coaster that at first, I was kind of frozen and stayed inside. But little by little, I

By |2019-01-23T05:15:34-06:00November 21st, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

FALL FAVORITES: 3 new plants to look for in 2107

by Rochelle GreayerIt goes with the territory that get to try out lots of new plants. Most are nice – but if they can’t pass muster then they don’t stand a chance of getting a write up here.Definition of Passing Muster:They have to survive and thrive without any special care, which might not even include regular watering.I’m tough to please when it comes to low maintenance but still looking nice and thriving.This fall (2016), follows an unseasonably hot and dry summer. Lots of plants struggled

By |2019-01-23T05:14:59-06:00November 21st, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Go big? Go home.

by Jane Beggs-JolesSure, sometimes it’s great to go big. Nachos, for instance. Small is just a couple of sad tortilla chips on a plate.But sometimes going big isn’t the right call. This is especially true for plants. We’ve all seen the yard with a huge tree blocking the front window. That cute little Colorado blue spruce grew up to be a forest-sized specimen, and a suburban yard is not big enough for its magnificence.Luckily, plant breeders have done some great work developing smaller versions

By |2019-01-23T05:14:28-06:00November 21st, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Time for Gardeners to Give Thanks

by Susan MartinAs the gardening season comes to a close, now is the time to look back and reflect on all of the things your garden has taught you this year. What are you thankful for this November? Here are a few ideas to help you get your list started.I’m not sure what it is about autumn that stirs something inside me and spurs on the emotions of feeling thankful. Maybe it’s the approaching holidays, or maybe it’s the warm fall colors juxtaposed against cerulean blue cloudless skies. As I rake

By |2019-01-23T05:13:51-06:00November 21st, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Beauty and Brawn

by Kerry Ann MendezAs a garden designer and popular lecturer, I get feedback from thousands – no, tens of thousands – of gardeners who crave high-impact, low-maintenance gardens. They want ‘drop-dead’ gorgeous plants that also benefit pollinators without requiring a lot of water, fertilizer or handholding….and that don’t drop dead after being planted. Here are some of my ‘Beauty and Brawn’ perennial picks: Dianthus ‘Paint The Town Magenta’ and ‘Paint the Town Fuchsia’ These drought tolerant,

By |2019-01-23T05:13:05-06:00November 21st, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

STYLISH PLANTS: Three Design Ideas for Baptisia

by Rochelle GreayerYears ago, when the Perennial Plant Association named Baptisia australis their plant of the year for 2010, I promptly bought five and planted them in my garden.  They were new-to-me at the time and they were lauded for being low maintenance and long lived. Perfect.Then, the next spring, I accidentally weeded out every single one of them.It is hard to recover from gardening disasters like that.  I didn’t even realize my mistake until months later when I wondered where my ‘new’

By |2019-01-23T05:12:22-06:00November 21st, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Spice up those Fall Containers

by Erin SchanenThere was a time when it seemed that all containers looked the same: a spike, geraniums and some trailing vinca vine. That was fine, but thank goodness that mold was broken, making way for the bold, beautiful and creative container designs we see today. And just as we’re no longer tied to a handful of plants for summer containers, there’s a whole world of plant options for fall containers as well. No longer are the options limited to mums and ornamental kale. There are many

By |2019-01-23T05:01:53-06:00September 7th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to Leave your Garden

by Erin SchanenLeaving your garden to take a summer holiday can strike fear into the hearts of anyone who has nurtured, fussed and perhaps even talked to their plants to coax them into a great show. You won’t get any judgement from me on that front. I put as much care into finding someone to care for my plants as I do into finding a dogsitter. Established perennial gardens will handle some benign neglect while you’re gone, but container plantings are another story. If you’ve set up a drip

By |2019-01-23T05:03:56-06:00August 2nd, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

PRETTY PORCH IDEAS: Ile d’Orleans in Quebec, Canada

by Rochelle GreayerWhile traveling around the Ile d’Orleans, across the St Lawrence River from Quebec City in Canada, I had a couple of “whoa, stop the car!” moments.  The island, which is basically the breadbasket of Quebec City is filled with farm stands, pretty vistas across the river that surrounds it, wildlife, and cute quaint cottages and homes.Some of these places have charming gardens that I took lots of inspiration from.  This one was all about the porch and I think we can all agree it

By |2019-01-23T05:11:28-06:00March 16th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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